
  1. Ten Below

    SatDreamGr Image Release Experimental SatDreamGr 8 Images VU+ Kodi 18

    Experimental SatDreamGr 8 Images VU+ vusolo4k vuultimo4k vuuno4k vuuno4kse vuzero4k vuduo4k vuultimo vuduo2 vusolo2 vusolose vuzero * Zeus OpenEmbedded * OpenPLi Enigma2 (develop branch) * Kodi 18 (sources from OE-A) * Webkit hbbtv support * New bootlogo & radio (many thanks to oktus)...
  2. J

    General VU+ Receiver Discussion What is the difference.

    Hi I have been a member for a few years now . This site has helped me understand my VU + box . Living on the edge of the new 28 .2 footprint and unable to put up a large dish (flats). The images and plug ins and help I have got here have been great help. I use open pli. Why it was on my...
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