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# Title:.......Automatic install/update OScam #
# Author:......Prilly #
# Support:.....prilly@speedbox.me #
# Date:........18 June 2013 #
# Description:.Automaticaly install OScam and support scripts #
# Updates OScam to latest or specific version #
Automatic install script for OScam.
This script will install latest svn source of oscam from streamboard,
it also installs init.d startup script, crash check and restart script
and if you choose in the menu of this script it will also install
pcsc omnikey driver for both 32 and 64 bit systems.
It also has a option to install latest libusb-dev for smartreader support.
This script will give you a good starting point with configs
and a proper log solution.
crash check script will parse logs for errors and will restart
oscam if undesired messages are logged.
OScam binary is placed here: /usr/bin/
Log directory: /var/log/oscam/
Config directory: /usr/etc/
Restart script: /etc/init.d/restart.sh
init.d start script: /etc/init.d/oscam
when install is done go to
login: root:root
This values are recommended to change after you have logged in
For now this script works only with Debian / ubuntu 32 and 64 bit,
in ubuntu you need to have root user to be able to run it,
sudo is not good enough
Should you have any good ideas for improvements or new functions
please let me know.
To start or stop oscam you should only use this commands:
/etc/init.d/oscam start
/etc/init.d/oscam stop
/etc/init.d/oscam restart
To run this script you need to be root users:
If you have used this script and want to update to a
later OR SPECIFIC svn version of oscam use update selection in ./install.
This script will prompt you with a menu asking if you want to
update to latest svn version of oscam or if you want to update
to a specific version,
if you choose specific enter the svn version number and hit enter.
Script will then replace current oscam binary with new one
making a downtime less then 5 sec Wink
Run this ONLY if you have used the install script provided here.
thanks to Prilly .
# Title:.......Automatic install/update OScam #
# Author:......Prilly #
# Support:.....prilly@speedbox.me #
# Date:........18 June 2013 #
# Description:.Automaticaly install OScam and support scripts #
# Updates OScam to latest or specific version #
Automatic install script for OScam.
This script will install latest svn source of oscam from streamboard,
it also installs init.d startup script, crash check and restart script
and if you choose in the menu of this script it will also install
pcsc omnikey driver for both 32 and 64 bit systems.
It also has a option to install latest libusb-dev for smartreader support.
This script will give you a good starting point with configs
and a proper log solution.
crash check script will parse logs for errors and will restart
oscam if undesired messages are logged.
OScam binary is placed here: /usr/bin/
Log directory: /var/log/oscam/
Config directory: /usr/etc/
Restart script: /etc/init.d/restart.sh
init.d start script: /etc/init.d/oscam
when install is done go to
login: root:root
This values are recommended to change after you have logged in
For now this script works only with Debian / ubuntu 32 and 64 bit,
in ubuntu you need to have root user to be able to run it,
sudo is not good enough
Should you have any good ideas for improvements or new functions
please let me know.
To start or stop oscam you should only use this commands:
/etc/init.d/oscam start
/etc/init.d/oscam stop
/etc/init.d/oscam restart
To run this script you need to be root users:
If you have used this script and want to update to a
later OR SPECIFIC svn version of oscam use update selection in ./install.
This script will prompt you with a menu asking if you want to
update to latest svn version of oscam or if you want to update
to a specific version,
if you choose specific enter the svn version number and hit enter.
Script will then replace current oscam binary with new one
making a downtime less then 5 sec Wink
Run this ONLY if you have used the install script provided here.
thanks to Prilly .
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