
  1. Ten Below

    OpenHDF Image Discussion Open HDF 6.3 - Available for VU+ Duo, Solo, SoloSE, Zero.

    Open HDF 6.3 Available for VU+ Duo, Solo, SoloSE, Zero.
  2. Ten Below

    VU+ Solo2, SoloSE & Duo2 OpenPLi (master-next) Xmas 2016 by Ten Below

    OpenPLi (master-next) Xmas 2016 by Ten Below This image has been completely rebuilt with custom feeds including Kodi 16.1 & now supports Openmultiboot, the following is preinstalled to help get things up & running quickly. Catseye Settings (All Sats) AutoBouquetsMaker Mount manager EPG...
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