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VU+ Plugins - Streaming & IPTV Advanced-Movie-Selection

Ten Below

Staff member
Sep 9, 2014
Reaction score
Advanced Movie Selection v.4.0 (OE2.0 & OE1.6)

So now to the new AMS 4.0 :
- this is now fully skinnbar (which means you can in the AMS also lists skinning)
- the new AMS default now under OE2.2 a skin full hd with things in store so that if not skinned all screens even under full hd look better (for the list is available in the 1920.xml fit the screen of the AdvancedMovieListSkinExtension under <! - Listenotionen -> is) you must include this one screen still in his skin and has all the lists to match the default full hd)
- in the AdvancedMovieListSkinExtension screen are the AMS list
movie list
the TVDB
the recycle bin
of the copy / move screens
and the version list
list all these are now Font to Pos skinbar.. - there's also a new setting for the format of the film length (you can in the setup now switch) - there are also many fixed as shutting down and start at idle mode again and much more. In the AMS 4.0 has changed a lot in terms of Skinbarkeit and use of the various resolutions and therefore had since so some changes on code. This had everything to be tested and implemented properly, therefore, the release was also delayed by some. Hope we could as far as test everything and everything is running as it should, if still somewhere should appear error please Just write here it is then also determined considered.



Vuplus-Images Elite
Significant Contributor
Special Friend
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
Version: 4.1
* New: setting for displaying the number of films in the directory
* Fix: percentage of viewed film in the library
* Removed: SD and XD skins are no longer supported

With this release are default, the SD and XD skins removed, which means that AMS provides only default HD and FullHD skins with it.
However, the AMS remains skinbar and thus can be skinned in the other resolutions.

Then there is the unstable version of AMS a completely new HD default skin, this is adapted to the new system default skin of DreamOS.
Here are some screenshots.

And with this version you can also various options for displaying movies in the directories adjust (as is also apparent from) for the user, the performance issues have.

!!!unstable Image Version & stable Version!!!

Thx @ all


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