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Sep 9, 2014
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Enigma2 Utility - Channel editor for Mac OS

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What is Enigma2Utility?

Enigma 2 Utility is a channel editor for Enigma2 receivers that runs on 64Bit MacOX. You can use it to watch live tv or your recordings from your mac. It also can be used to manage your timers and the media player. It also gives you some control over the receiver.

How to install it
Simply drag Enigma2Utility to your application folder

To use this program you have to have SFTP enabled on your receiver

To check if it is on, type the following command in a terminal : sftp root@your_receivers_ip

The receiver should answer by asking your password and letting you in

This program stores your password to connect to your receiver in the prefs file in clear. The file is saved in the Local directory path as defined in the preferences. Remember to delete this file if you think it is needed .

If you want to watch live TV or the recordings on your receiver, you have to have
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installed in your applications folder.

The first time you run the program, fill in the preferences then restart the app.

31/10/2022 : version 2.4.1

Enigma2Utility is now signed and notarized. It works fine with MacOsx 13 Ventura



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