Vu + DUO HDF-Team Image v6 based on OpenPLi3.0 from 15.11.2012 Current Build from the OpenPLi with our adjustments. The basis is the git of OpenPLi 3.0 Stand 15.11.2012. 15.11.2012 because at this time no gstreamer similar problems when playing videos gave. Important! ! The current boot loader must be installed Installation: unzip the folder vuplus including content on a USB stick, plug it in and restart the receiver. The same also applies to the boot loader, see below. Changelogs: - current updates OpenPLi3.0 - Linux Kernel 3.1 vuduo .1 # 1 SMP Fri Oct 12 07:02:21 CEST 2012 mips GNU / Linux - changes OpenPLi 3.0!/openpli - Enigma2: git / g ... gma2 a = shortlog - openembedded:;a=shortlog - Plugins: g ... gins, a = shortlog Extensions & Plugins: - current HDF Toolbox - CCCam 2.3.0, Oscam-YMOD, Oscam.Experimental, Scam (WebIF port 88), Scam3.xx, - Enhanced Movie Center newer version from the git - EtPortal on Home button - and for information on current films - VirtualZap on the Exit button - YTTrailer (EPG button and then on a broadcast TV button and / or radio button) - Weather plugin and Foreca plugin - WebradioFS 7 and Webmedia 5 - CoolTVGuide 6.1 by Coolman (EPG button) - Multi Quick Button 2.7.11 (Vuduo) - Permanent timeshift - Dream Explorer (install from tar.gz, move, delete, rename) - various media and streaming plugins where possible on Vuduo - Permanent Timeshift Plugin - Auto Timer for continuous shooting and recording plans - VPS plugin, Fan Control - Electric Power Save Plugin or Auto Power Off - Bundesliga Scores, Sports Portal, Formula1 Ticker - TMDB, OFDb for information about programs and films - Partner plugin to the stream of to receive another E2 Receiver - Full Backup Plugin (HDD and USB) - OpenWebif on port 80 - Old Web with Web bouquet editor included but disabled - various other plugins for rapid deployment Operating Notes: - plugins on the blue button (short) - extensions of the long blue button - CoolTVSingleGuide with pressure on the EPG button otherwise reassign Zap History on </> in German language with Multiquick Button - - Virtual Zap on Exit - almost all keys can be (long blue) reassigned about Multiquick Button . - In the HDF Toolbox, a combined PLi and HDF Spinner update will be made