Commadore 16 (was the same games as the 4+), 64, Original NES, Megadrive/Genesis, I had a Neo Geo (then onto the PS1 and .... ), got my first pc in 1995 (Cyrix 686 120+ Processor, 16MB Ram, 1GB HDD, as I was doing an IT Course at college, running windows 3.11) - Family Friends knew some characters that new some characters, that found things that had 'fallen off back of a lorry' and sold them at a fraction of retail price

(Yes as you have probably noticed I was a spoilt little ba**ard!)
I also had the in-between machines as well at some point in time, Master System, Game Gear (Went from Commadore to Sega Kid really). One of my mates who went to seperate high school to me, had an Amiga - There was a big issue round this way over piracy and 'Adult Games' on Amiga - he had passed them onto a school mate who was caught at school resulting in my mate and his older brother getting raided for Amiga porn....
Naturally, to this day, he has not lived that down! haha