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Sports Bar Roy Keane's new book : Lambert Warns Take Cover

False Prophet

Busted P/S
Sep 21, 2014
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Aston Villa manager Paul Lambert has warned figures within football to "take cover" when Roy Keane releases his new autobiography next week.

The 43-year-old, who is Lambert's assistant boss at Villa, has given the Scotsman a preview of the book, which is titled The Second Half.

Keane is expected to criticise former Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson after the Scot hit out at Keane in his autobiography released last year.

"I've seen bits of it," the Daily Mail quotes Lambert as saying. "And it'll be... aye, listen, take cover like. It will be good reading put it that way. Great night-time reading."

The book is due to be released on October 9.


Oct 10, 2014
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Early serialisations show nothing new. Another odd big headline to draw in the punter looking for controversy.

Do we really care that Keane refers to Sir Alex as "ferguson" serioulsy thats his name so no headline.

Would rather these people concentrated on their careers and left the drama to LyndaLa Plante.


Staff member
I am the Nice One
Sep 10, 2014
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Roy Keane has admitted he is not sure whether he will ever forgive former Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson over his explosive departure from Old Trafford. :lol:

Keane left United in November 2005 :hi5: after his increasingly fractous relationship with the Scot reached boiling point when he criticised a number of the club's younger players following a defeat to Middlesbrough. :drunk:

The Irishman took aim at his former boss, who lifted the lid on his differences with Keane and former team-mate David Beckham - among others - in his memoirs last year, in his updated autobiography The Second Half.

Asked if he would ever forgive Ferguson, Keane, speaking at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin, said after a pause: "Good question. I'm not sure, I'm not sure.

"Football is a small world and eventually, you will cross paths with people again. Whether I would ever bump into him or not, whether it be at a game or sometimes there are conferences going on...

"The problem, I suppose, I had and one of the reasons when you are writing stuff and you are reflecting on it, is that when you have worked with somebody for such a long time, and obviously we had our disagreements and I departed,and I have no problems with that, it's fine. It's afterwards when people start coming out with all sorts of nonsense.

"For Alex Ferguson, not just to criticise myself, but other players who were part of a team that brought some good days to lots of supporters, for him to criticise that when you think of what he made out of it - he made millions of pounds out of it.

"He got his statues, he's got his stand named after him - to come back and criticise. I said at the time, I wasn't too bothered about myself, but to criticise people who brought him success was just ridiculous.

"Will I ever forgive him? I don't know. Listen, I don't know. We'll see if we ever cross paths again. I'm sure we will - cross paths, I mean."

In the book, Keane takes aim at a variety of targets including old foe Alf-Inge Haaland, and explains his decision to reject Celtic's approach to become their manager during the summer, to set the record straight.

He was mentioning no specific names, but was keen to hit back at what he described at the "lies and lies and lies" he believes have been told about him.

"The stuff that has been said about me over the years, even from ex-team-mates, is a pack of lies, just lies and lies and lies, and sometimes you just say, 'Listen, I have got to get up and say something myself and defend myself a little bit', and hopefully the book will reflect that," he said.

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