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OScam Sly Germany V14 and pairing


The Mangler
Special Friend
Oct 13, 2014
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We all now for some time know , Sky sends out new Smatcards and Reseiver. Only together this will allow you to watch sly ger . The evil word is " pairing" . This is not a reinvention of Sky , because for some time it is in use by other providers. This means that our receiver such as the beloved XTrend , VU + , Dreambox and the rest of them no longer suitable for the reception of Sly . Of course, these boxes still offer all sorts of possibilities which nevertheless worthwhile for operation without Sky .

Now I am affected by exchange. I will not tolerate that Sky prescribes me what hardware will beautify my home . Unfortunately, my contract runs until late 2015. Well, because of that i have to deal with that issue and hope i can still use my card for some time in my VU.

But now back to topic.

Currently, by blocking the EMMs to the card, it´s still possible to operate this new card in your old boxes . For how long, nobody knows.

Ok, how can i block the EMM´s?

For that it´s necessary that the new V14 is only operated with OScam . Don´t use the card by CCcam or Scam . And certainly don´t insert the card into the supplied receiver . Not even for activation.

The oscam reader for the new card must be set up . This might look like:

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The following line must be in the oscam.conf under the [global ] :

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With that line we make shure that no pairing emm´s can get to your card.

Blocking of all emm´s:

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The needed emm´s (activation, extension), a written via "emmlogdir" und "saveemm" to your log file. What emm´s are now " safe " ?

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How does this emm´s look like:

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The first 3 digits should be clear. Date / Time and the serial number of your card.

In this example, 106 characters, or 53 bytes. According to the list so above " extension : World / Film / Beate Uhse / HD / 3D / HD +" So could be sent " danger " to the card. Right from the 7th digit . So in this example :

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Example for emm´s pairing suspicion.

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I´m always up for additions or corrections. I´ve you find errors , please report them. Please, dont forget. Viewing without subscription is illegal. This file are only for testing without any guaranty.
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