Download Bootlogos OpenPli Minimalistic Bootlogo and SplashScreen
Minimalistic - small size footprint- minotavrs
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- Replies: 1
- Forum: LCD & VFD Settings, Bootlogos & Spinners
Custom / Unofficial Build Openpli 6.0 Homebuild by Foxbob For VUPlus Receivers with kodi-17.4
Openpli 6.0 Homebuild by Foxbob with kodi-17.4 gcc 7.1.0 openpli-develop,ci+ last gstreamer 1.13.0 kodi 17.4rc1 exteplayer3.35 Please note that the only plugins Installed by Default are: On Compatible boxes Kodi is found: Menu-Plugins-Green-Extensions-: KODI/XBMC Options for Solo, Duo...- Ten Below
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- Replies: 51
- Forum: Custom Build Images
Custom / Unofficial Build OpenPLi 6.0 - KODI 17.4 - Foxbob
OpenPLi 6.0 - KODI 17.4 - Foxbob VU+ Solo2, Duo2 & Ultimo4K gcc 7.1.0 openpli-develop,ci+ last gstreamer 1.13.0 kodi 17.4rc1 exteplayer3.35 Credit to Foxbob- Ten Below
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- Replies: 21
- Forum: Custom Build Images
Other Sat Receivers OpenPLi 6.0 Homebuild for ZGEMMA-STAR-2S
OpenPLi 6.0 Homebuild for ZGEMMA-STAR-2S My kids are currently using one of these boxes so decided to build this image. Sharing here for any other member who owns the same & would like to try. Items included with this build. EPG Import AutoBouquets E2 Audio narrator is disabled IPTV Player...- Ten Below
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- Forum: Techie's Lounge
VU+ Solo2, SoloSE & Duo2 OpenPLi (master-next) Xmas 2016 by Ten Below
OpenPLi (master-next) Xmas 2016 by Ten Below This image has been completely rebuilt with custom feeds including Kodi 16.1 & now supports Openmultiboot, the following is preinstalled to help get things up & running quickly. Catseye Settings (All Sats) AutoBouquetsMaker Mount manager EPG...- Ten Below
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- Replies: 1
- Forum: Custom Build Images