
  1. Ten Below

    OpenVIX Update Announcements OpenViX 5.2 released!

    OpenViX 5.2 released! OpenViX 5.2 is based on the OE-Alliance v4.2 core. You cannot perform an online update if you are currently on OpenViX 5.1.xxx or older. You can download and then flash the new 5.2 image using Image Manager. You can still flash by USB if you prefer. You can restore...
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    Custom / Unofficial Build OpenATV 6.2 Stable (Updated 22/08/2018 )

    OpenATV 6.2 Custom Build Updated 22/08/2018 Build Information OpenATV 6.2 (Stable) Build date: 22/08/2018 GStreamer 1.15.0 Kodi 17.6 in feeds for all supported models Softcam Feed Audio narrator is disabled First boot setup language now defaults to English. Included with this build...
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    BlackHole Image Release Black Hole 3.0.4 Download (All VU+ Models)

    Black Hole 3.0.4 What is new ? - Add Quad Picture in Picture support (Ultimo4K, Uno4K, Solo4K) - Update CrossEPG to support new Rytec xz compression XMLTV listings - Update CrossEPG to include latest Rytec Providers - Update OpenWebif to fix Grab and WebTV - Update Drivers (Ultimo4K, Uno4K...
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    Custom / Unofficial Build Openpli 6.0 Homebuild by Foxbob For VUPlus Receivers with kodi-17.4

    Openpli 6.0 Homebuild by Foxbob with kodi-17.4 gcc 7.1.0 openpli-develop,ci+ last gstreamer 1.13.0 kodi 17.4rc1 exteplayer3.35 Please note that the only plugins Installed by Default are: On Compatible boxes Kodi is found: Menu-Plugins-Green-Extensions-: KODI/XBMC Options for Solo, Duo...
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    Custom / Unofficial Build OpenHDF 6.2 - VU+Duo2, Solo2, Solo4k, Ultimo4K, Uno4K

    OpenHDF 6.2 Experimental Build Date:24/08/17 Items included with this build. DirtyDonki Full Motor Settings VUplus-Images Addon Panel & Image Downloader EPG Import (Rytec) configured for 28.2E Tunein Radio AutoBouquets E2 (Configured, Just Set Your region) E2m3u2bouquet IPTV Bouquet Maker...
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    Custom / Unofficial Build OpenPLi 6.0 - KODI 17.4 - Foxbob

    OpenPLi 6.0 - KODI 17.4 - Foxbob VU+ Solo2, Duo2 & Ultimo4K gcc 7.1.0 openpli-develop,ci+ last gstreamer 1.13.0 kodi 17.4rc1 exteplayer3.35 Credit to Foxbob
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    Custom / Unofficial Build OpenHDF 6.1 For Unsupported VU+ Models

    OpenHDF 6.1 For Unsupported VU+ Models Items included with this build. DirtyDonki Full Motor Settings VUplus-Images Addon Panel & Image Downloader EPG Import (Rytec) configured for 28.2E AutoBouquets E2 (Configured, Just Set Your region) Audio narrator is disabled IPTV Player with hosts...
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