
  1. Ten Below

    SatDreamGr Image Release Experimental SatDreamGr 8 Images VU+ Kodi 18

    Experimental SatDreamGr 8 Images VU+ vusolo4k vuultimo4k vuuno4k vuuno4kse vuzero4k vuduo4k vuultimo vuduo2 vusolo2 vusolose vuzero * Zeus OpenEmbedded * OpenPLi Enigma2 (develop branch) * Kodi 18 (sources from OE-A) * Webkit hbbtv support * New bootlogo & radio (many thanks to oktus)...
  2. Ten Below

    Custom / Unofficial Build OpenVIX 5.3 r19 with Kodi Leia 18.6

    OpenVIX 5.3 with Kodi Leia 18.6 Build Date: 07/03/20 Build Branch: OEA_4.3_kodi18 Kodi is preinstalled, active feeds are provided.
  3. RosalieLopez

    Download Bootlogos How do I transfer just one installed addon from one Kodi to another?

    Hi I have an installed addon on one Kodi that its repository is dead. Is there any way I can transfer only this one installed addon to another Kodi? https://bestofkodiaddons.com/ Thanks!
  4. RosalieLopez

    Techie's Lounge How To Jailbreak An Amazon Firestick & Install Kodi??

    Hey there, In this tutorial, I will teach you how easily you can jailbreak an Amazon Firestick & install Kodi, It’s just a piece of a cake. You buy Amazon Firestick, a high-speed stable internet connection, A premium accounts of Netflix, Hostar & Amazon Prime videos! Don’t you think that it...
  5. otto27

    General VU+ Receiver Discussion box been off for months

    hi all , have a solo 2 , stb's been sitting idle for god knows how long , since i was using what can't be mentioned ,what can i do with it ? i've just installed the new openvix, i'm used to blackhole but this seems to have kodi working ? also have an iptv provider , usually use a fire tv...
  6. Ten Below

    BlackHole Image Release Black Hole 3.0.4 Download (All VU+ Models)

    Black Hole 3.0.4 What is new ? - Add Quad Picture in Picture support (Ultimo4K, Uno4K, Solo4K) - Update CrossEPG to support new Rytec xz compression XMLTV listings - Update CrossEPG to include latest Rytec Providers - Update OpenWebif to fix Grab and WebTV - Update Drivers (Ultimo4K, Uno4K...
  7. Ten Below

    Custom / Unofficial Build OpenDroid 6.4 - Configured For UK 28.2E

    OpenDroid 6.4 - Configured For UK 28.2E Updated 01/12/17 These images are flashed configured for UK satellite viewing After flashing you will see the video configuration wizard which after setting to suit your tv this image is up & running . The following options have been set as default for...
  8. Ten Below

    Custom / Unofficial Build Openpli 6.0 Homebuild by Foxbob For VUPlus Receivers with kodi-17.4

    Openpli 6.0 Homebuild by Foxbob with kodi-17.4 gcc 7.1.0 openpli-develop,ci+ last gstreamer 1.13.0 kodi 17.4rc1 exteplayer3.35 Please note that the only plugins Installed by Default are: On Compatible boxes Kodi is found: Menu-Plugins-Green-Extensions-: KODI/XBMC Options for Solo, Duo...
  9. Ten Below

    Custom / Unofficial Build OpenATV 6.1 Custom Build (All VU+ Models)

    OpenATV 6.1 Custom Build Updated 04/03/2018 Build Information OpenATV 6.1 build date: 04/03/2018 GStreamer Kodi 17.6 in feeds for all supported models Sly/VM look skins in feeds Softcam Feed Extra items installed with this build SkyQ v2.0 skin AutoBouquetMaker AutoBouquets E2...
  10. Ten Below

    Custom / Unofficial Build OpenPLi 6.0 - KODI 17.4 - Foxbob

    OpenPLi 6.0 - KODI 17.4 - Foxbob VU+ Solo2, Duo2 & Ultimo4K gcc 7.1.0 openpli-develop,ci+ last gstreamer 1.13.0 kodi 17.4rc1 exteplayer3.35 Credit to Foxbob
  11. CcX85

    VU+ Kodi Support Ares Wizard failed install?

    Hey I've got the custom openatv v6 all is good but after installing Kodi 17.3 and adding the sources for Ares all I get is failed to install... I've checked the link and it's working on android and Web, can I ask if I have to add it a certain way? Thanks.....
  12. Ten Below

    VU+ Solo2, SoloSE & Duo2 OpenPLi (master-next) Xmas 2016 by Ten Below

    OpenPLi (master-next) Xmas 2016 by Ten Below This image has been completely rebuilt with custom feeds including Kodi 16.1 & now supports Openmultiboot, the following is preinstalled to help get things up & running quickly. Catseye Settings (All Sats) AutoBouquetsMaker Mount manager EPG...
  13. Z

    VU+ Solo2 Backup Images Simple Backup with Kodi

    Hello, Can anyone tell me where I can find a simple backup or image with Kodi already setup with most repos ! thx
  14. Ten Below

    Custom / Unofficial Build OpenVIX 4.2 with KODI 16.1 (Updated: 31/08/2016)

    OpenVIX 4.2 with KODI 16.1 preinstalled The latest vix image with Kodi 16.1 included for Solo2, SoloSE, Solo4K & Duo2. VU+ Duo2 VU+ Solo2 VU+ Solo4K VU+ SoloSE
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